A connection to place not only shapes and informs but can transform.

We create meaningful places for people where they live, work, and play that foster connections with themselves, each other, and nature.

Our team, an energetic and talented group of designers and landscape architects, are enthusiastic about creating and fostering connections through our practice and design work, relationships with our clients, peers, and partners, and with the natural environment that grounds us.

We engage each project with an open minded and collaborative approach, providing creative design solutions that are informed by the place and site; guided by the program and goals; committed to safety, inclusion, and equity; and dedicated to contributing to a healthier planet.

The benefits of connections to nature have been studied and are widely understood. The positive impacts of those connections should extend into every aspect of our daily lives. Creating meaningful places with purposeful access to sustainable and resilient landscapes provides a healthier human experience and a transformative attachment and commitment to each other and our environments.

Kristen Lundquist
Kristen Lundquist
Amanda Potter
Amanda Potter
Office Manager
Shanshan Shang
Shanshan Shang
Landscape Designer
Michelle Wahl
Michelle Wahl
Landscape Architect
Joshua Wilcox
Joshua Wilcox
Landscape Architect
Mark Brumbaugh
Mark Brumbaugh
Founding Principal, Retired